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Vegan Swap

Vegan Swap
VEGANClassificação 11565

0,000000 €   (-1%)
0.00000000 BTC (-0.32%)
0.00000000 ETH (+0.28%)
1h -0.23 %
24h -1%
Semana +0.06%
Mês -2.78%
Ano +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


VagenSwap Finance is a community-driven Yield Farming, DeFi Yield Aggregator and DEX Aggregator on Binance Smart Chain. You can earn VEGAN by staking it on the pool and farming it by provide the liquidity to earn more healthy VEGAN. You can also maximize your return by compounding your token in the vault and connecting several DEX to find the most efficient swapping routes across all platforms support BSC space.

VeganSwap has an ecology mission as well. We are donating part of ...

Local na rede Internet: veganswap.finance
Código fonte: github.com
Discussão t.me [1], t.me [2]
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Valor de mercado Classificação 11565
Todo o tempo alto
0,081249 € 04 Apr 21 % to ATH (4 271 406 876.42%)
Fornecimento Circulante
Volume (24h) Classificação 11552
0,000700 € 0,000000 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
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