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Tim Hsu

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Tim Hsu


Friendly, creative, and conscientious. Have an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Extremely intuitive about people, and concerned for their feelings.
Interest in Linux, network and security, usually join in open souce community and like to share knowledge and experience. Be glad to research and challenge, and hope to be a security expert. Over 10 years experience in peneration testing, malware and vulnerability research.
Since 2004, organized the CHROOT Security Group and HITCON(Hacks In Taiwan Conference) with friends.
CHROOT is a non-profit group dedicated to information security research. Almost the best security people(hackers) in Taiwan are the members. Nowadays, HITCON is a highly technical and famous security conference in Taiwan. The number of attendee has reached 800+ recently years.


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CobinhoodCobinhoodCOB#00 USDSecurity Consultant