Luno used to be known as BitX. The company was established in 2013, but in January 2017 rebranded as Luno and joined the fintech of UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Nowadays the company, has set up its headquarters in London and is focusing on expanding its services in Europe. Additionally, Luno has offices in Singapore and Cape Town and offers its exchange services in Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, South Africa for the local currencies. Luno은 $0의 예상 실제 거래량과 함께 $17 416 455의 24 시간 거래량을보고했습니다. 이는 11 통화를 제공하고 Google 알고리즘에 기반한 0.00 % 신뢰도 점수를 가진 a centralized exchange 입니다.