Kucoin was founded by a group with a passion for the blockchain who had already built up strong reputations at industry giants, such as GF Securities, Ant Financial, Youling, Jianbang Communication, and iBOX PAY. To put Kucoin’s youth into perspective, the research and development team was only assembled in May 2017. Exchange assets (transparency): $2 576 260 343 - according to nansen.ai, $2 314 296 283 - according to defillama.com Disclaimer - data is sourced from third-party and static at the current moment, we don't ... know about distribution of funds, it's relayed from exchanges, thus 3rd-party full independent audits is required for full picture Kucoin은 $792 287 146의 예상 실제 거래량과 함께 $2 353 081 200의 24 시간 거래량을보고했습니다. 이는 741 통화를 제공하고 Google 알고리즘에 기반한 25.26 % 신뢰도 점수를 가진 a centralized exchange 입니다.