HitBTC is the world’s most advanced cryptocurrency exchange. Created by outstanding technical minds, high-level finance professionals and experienced traders, HitBTC is delivering the most reliable, fast and powerful platform solution on the market. The platform has earned its reputation for fault-tolerance, flawless uptime and high availability. Its core matching engine is among the best technological products in its class, offering traders a wide range of features such as real-time clearing and cutting-edge order matching algorithms. HitBTC은 $329 198 989의 예상 실제 거래량과 함께 $329 446 733의 24 시간 거래량을보고했습니다. 이는 446 통화를 제공하고 Google 알고리즘에 기반한 74.94 % 신뢰도 점수를 가진 a centralized exchange 입니다.