Counos s.r.o. is a company registered in the country of Slovakia with the registration number «51 285 037» that has the permit to work in the field of trading cryptocurrencies and fiat money. This company has tried to establish its trading platforms in order to facilitate the process of exchanging cryptocurrencies to one another and the possibility of buying and selling them in a completely legal way with fiat money so that customers of this service would be able to engage in their trades with ... the utmost security and with proper speed. Also, Counos will review and guarantee the security and authentication of transactions and exchanges. Furthermore, with respect to legal responsibilities, Counos will prevent any activity that would lead to illegal actions. By relying on the experts in its team, Counos will constantly try to improve the offered services and the extensiveness of supported cryptocurrencies. For this reason, Counos awaits the feedback of customers and users of this service in order to create a better customer experience. Counos Exchange은 $6 577.33의 예상 실제 거래량과 함께 $6 577.33의 24 시간 거래량을보고했습니다. 이는 4 통화를 제공하고 Google 알고리즘에 기반한 20.20 % 신뢰도 점수를 가진 a centralized exchange 입니다.