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$0.000889   (-1.4%)
0.00000001 BTC (-0.6%)
0.00000027 ETH (-5%)
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주간 -9.56%
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A cryptocurrency for everybody, mining with a common processor (CPU) works best. Because of the implemented algorithm, ASIC mining or GPU mining is slower than CPU mining. So you can mine Yenten with common hardware like your PC, Laptop, Macbook, or even a Raspberry Pi.

Yenten is an honest coin: no ICO, no premine and it's ASIC resistant.

YENTEN [YTN] 는 자체 블록체인을 가진 암호화폐입니다.가장 실제 가격은 하나의 YENTEN [YTN] is $0.000889. YENTEN 는 2개 거래소에 상장되어 있으며, 그 중에 3개가 활발한 ...

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시가 총액 순위 2472
사상 최고
$37 288.00 1.000000 BTC
$2.81 26 Oct 22 % to ATH (316 060.84%)
유통 공급
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 9547
41 952 065 (50.00%) 총: 41 952 065최대: 84 000 000
$5.89 0.000093 BTC
거래량 / 시가 총액 (24 시간)
  • 개요
  • 거래소 / 시장 2
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