XBIT Coin XBT 가격:

$0.010908 (+0.19%)
ETH 0.00000283 (+4.32%)
BTC 0.00000010 (+0.94%)
$0.010880 24h Range $0.010912

XBIT Coin (XBT) Metrics

시가 총액 순위 3434
no data
사상 최고
$0.024532 04 Mar 24 % to ATH (124.91%)
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 4324
$9,614.82 BTC 0.091032
유통 공급
no data 최대: 1,000,000,000

XBIT Coin 가격 차트 라이브


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About XBIT Coin

XBIT Utility Crypto Coin Is Representative Revenue Share of Xbit Gaming Platform

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All the coins of the Xbit Blockchain are mined in the first 100 blocks. And the coins can be used after the first 100 blocks. The network of this coin is only used for the official mining pool, which is known as a trusted miner in the system. After block number 100, no reward is given from the newly mined coins, however, the reward of miners is given from the fee of transactions. The official mining pool only accepts those miners who have at least 10 million Xbit Coins in the wallet that receives the reward. The miners also need to be verified. Main application is to manage the reward chain of a specific activity in the online game industry.

Premine: 1 000 000 000 XBT

XBIT Coin [XBT] 는 자체 블록체인을 가진 암호화폐입니다.가장 실제 가격은 하나의 XBIT Coin [XBT] is $0.010908. XBIT Coin 는 1개 거래소에 상장되어 있으며, 그 중에 3개가 활발한 시장입니다. 24 시간 거래량 [XBT] 에 $9 614.82, 또한 XBIT Coin 시가 총액 $0 덕분에 모든 암호화폐 순위는 #3434 입니다. XBIT Coin [XBT]에 대해 자세히 보실 수 있는 페이지: Xbitcc.com

XBT 시장

# 거래 페어 거래량 (24 시간) 가격 거래량 (%) 카테고리 수수료 유형 업데이트
1 $9 614.82$0.010908100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $0.00000000$0.0108910.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $0.00000000$0.0383790.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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XBIT Coin Basics

백서XBIT Coin Whitepaper시작
개발 현황 Working product
오픈 소스Yes
합의 메커니즘 Proof of Work
알고리즘 SHA - 256
출시 31 December 2021
over 2 years ago
웹 사이트
소스 코드
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (2)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Proof Of Work (1001)
  • Sha256 (93)
  • Premine (539)

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