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Super Zero

Super Zero
SERO순위 1391

$0.004423   (-0.23%)
0.00000007 BTC (+0.72%)
0.00000137 ETH (-3.05%)
1 시간 +0.42 %
24 시간 -0.23%
주간 +8.41%
월간 -16.38%
년간 -72.53%

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SERO (Super Zero) is the world-leading blockchain technology based on Zero Knowledge Proof that truly implements blockchain privacy protection and a public chain platform that supports Turing Complete Smart Contract operations.

DApp Developers can issue their own anonymous tokens, smart contracts, assets based on SERO and they can also build their own DApps on SERO.
SERO supports both UTXO+ACCOUNT transactions, using UTXO model where CT(Confidential Transactions) are required and using ACCOUNT model where smart contracts need to be run.

Super Zero [SERO] ...

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시가 총액 순위 1391
사상 최고
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$0.818563 14 Apr 22 % to ATH (18 408.62%)
유통 공급
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 1266
415 296 898 총: 592 693 471
$457 023 7.21 BTC
거래량 / 시가 총액 (24 시간)
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  • 거래소 / 시장 3
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