MELD (ADA Token) (MELD) Metrics

시가 총액
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사상 최고
$0.169523 25 Mar 22 % to ATH (79,495.35%)
거래량 (24 시간)
유통 공급
3,999,996,405 총:4,000,000,000 최대: 4,000,000,000

MELD (ADA Token) 가격 차트 라이브


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About MELD (ADA Token)

MELD is the first decentralized and non-custodial DeFi banking protocol for lending & borrowing fiat & cryptocurrency. The MELD token is a governance token enabling holders to vote on the development of the protocol. MELD focuses on decentralized finance (DeFi), with the long-term goal of enabling more than 2 billion individuals - who are either underbanked or have no access to banking services whatsoever - to access tools and solutions built around leveraging cryptocurrency assets. Services offered by MELD include creating cryptocurrency-backed loans, earning an interest return for lending fiat to borrowers and participating in reward incentive programs. MELD will enable instant loans against cryptocurrency holdings at a competitive APR, or to receive a credit line and only pay interest on what you use. A world-class DeFi protocol using the Cardano blockchain, MELD uses smart contracts to ensure complete transparency and fairness for all parties including lending, borrowing and minting of tokens.

MELD (ADA Token) [MELD] 는 토큰의 기본 Cardano, Avalanche 블록체인. 가장 실제 가격은 하나의 MELD (ADA Token) [MELD] is $0. MELD (ADA Token) 는 0개 거래소에 상장되어 있으며, 그 중에 0개가 활발한 시장입니다. 24 시간 거래량 [MELD] 에 $0, 또한 MELD (ADA Token) 시가 총액 $0 덕분에 모든 암호화폐 순위는 'no rank' 입니다. MELD (ADA Token) [MELD]에 대해 자세히 보실 수 있는 페이지:

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MELD (ADA Token) Basics

개발 현황 Working product
조직 구조 Centralized
합의 메커니즘 Not mineable
알고리즘 None
출시 3 February 2022
over 3 years ago
웹 사이트
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (2)
  • Cardano (ADA) Token (54)
  • Avalanche (AVAX) Token (562)
  • Layer 1 (L1) (127)

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