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DexKit (KIT) is the next generation DEX ToolKit. It uses technology based on ZRX protocol, Uniswap and Kyber, among others, to create an advanced trading, swapping, atomic swap, market making and decentralized erc20 and erc721 whitelabel solutions.

DexKit will use the concept of “toolKITs” to help give traders want they need; a well informed trade at the best price. You will be able to place leverage orders, decentralized stop/limit orders and private orders as well as run arbitrage bots, sell cards, ...

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시가 총액 순위 1661
사상 최고
$1 208 374 19.00 BTC
$7.09 12 May 21 % to ATH (1 659.38%)
유통 공급
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 3052
3 000 000 (30.00%) 총: 10 000 000최대: 10 000 000
$43 297.94 0.685904 BTC
거래량 / 시가 총액 (24 시간)
  • 개요
  • 거래소 / 시장 3
  • 포트폴리오
  • 비슷한 코인
  • 유동성
  • 코드 진행
  • 위젯
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