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Feathercoin is an upgraded and customised version of Bitcoin. Feathercoin was born with the intent to expand, experiment, and build onto the blockchain technology in a manner open to all for participation. Block hashing uses the excellent NeoScrypt which is an updated version of Scrypt using modern faster elements. The difficulty adjust eHRC (enhanced Hash Rate Compensation) to make sure that blocks come in on average at 60 seconds is also a unique solution first developed by Feathercoin and now ...

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시가 총액 순위 2450
사상 최고
$889 491 15.00 BTC
$0.720317 04 Jan 18 % to ATH (19 060.08%)
유통 공급
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 8990
236 600 238 (70.00%) 총: 336 000 000최대: 336 000 000
$20.11 0.000334 BTC
거래량 / 시가 총액 (24 시간)
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