FairHEX (FAIRHEX) Metrics

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거래량 (24 시간)
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FairHEX 가격 차트 라이브


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About FairHEX

FairHEX is a HEX Staking Portal that integrates the official HEX staking contract. HEX stakers mint FairHEX tokens for free, and receive their Staking yield in FairHEX. The Value of the staking yield is converted on DEX from HEX to FairHEX and a Bonus between 20% and 40% is added to their Yield. Holding FairHEX is rewarded with free HEX dividends when wallets sell FairHEX. Those Dividends derive from taxed sells. Ever sell and other transactions incur a 5% sell tax of which half is feeding the permanently locked LP and half is distributed to holders of the token according to their holder share.
Lastly, there will be a total supply of 21M. 5M can be minted and this process has been completed to 13% (650k were already been minted). Less than 2M are in circulation.

FairHEX [FAIRHEX] 는 토큰의 기본 Ethereum 블록체인. 가장 실제 가격은 하나의 FairHEX [FAIRHEX] is $0. FairHEX 는 0개 거래소에 상장되어 있으며, 그 중에 0개가 활발한 시장입니다. 24 시간 거래량 [FAIRHEX] 에 $0, 또한 FairHEX 시가 총액 $0 덕분에 모든 암호화폐 순위는 'no rank' 입니다. FairHEX [FAIRHEX]에 대해 자세히 보실 수 있는 페이지: fairhex.eth.limo

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FairHEX Basics

백서FairHEX Whitepaper시작
개발 현황 Working product
합의 메커니즘 Not mineable
알고리즘 None
하드웨어 지갑 Yes
웹 사이트
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11823)

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