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Quadrant Protocol is the engine that powers Quadrant's data mapping capabilities. One of the first operational blockchain-based data protocols, it is already mapping the data universe for its users.

Quadrant Protocol is a blockchain-based protocol that enables the mapping, access, creation, and distribution of data products and services with authenticity and provenance at its core. The data economy is similar to space; unmapped and chaotic. Quadrant serves as the blueprint that provides an organized system for the utilization of decentralized data.

Quadrant ...

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시가 총액 순위 2347
사상 최고
$6 852 063 108.00 BTC
$0.291362 13 Apr 22 % to ATH (4 152.18%)
유통 공급
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 7478
1 000 000 000 총: 1 000 000 000
$120.46 0.001895 BTC
거래량 / 시가 총액 (24 시간)
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