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뉴스 레터

Bitnet BTN 가격:

$0.074099 (+0.23%)
ETH 0.000027 (-0.61%)
BTC 0.00000075 (-0.96%)
$0.073897 24h Range $0.077927

Bitnet (BTN) Metrics

Basic info
웹 사이트
소스 코드
Asset type
시가 총액 순위 1687
$301,185.00 BTC 3.00
사상 최고
$2.00 12 Aug 23 % to ATH (2,598.56%)
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 2068
$150,112.24 BTC 1.53
Vol / M Cap (24h)
유통 공급
4,064,612 총:2,281,058

Bitnet 가격 차트 라이브


Price change:
High: USD 0.619590 Low: USD 0.007750
real time price:
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Volume (24h)PricePrice BTCMarketCapPrice ETHPricePrice in BTCMarketCapVolume (24h)18. Mar15. Apr13. May10. Jun8. Jul5. Aug2. Sep30. Sep28. Oct25. Nov23. Dec20. Jan17. FebApr '24Jun '24Aug '24Oct '24Dec '24Feb '250150k300k450k600k750k00.
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About Bitnet

Bitnet BTN: Bridging Innovations and Foundational Principles in Blockchain
Launched on July 14, 2023, Bitnet emerges as a transformative blockchain platform aiming to reconcile the legacy of Bitcoin’s trustlessness and decentralization with Ethereum’s technological advancements. It seeks to address the challenges that have historically prevented Ethereum and other subsequent blockchain projects from overtaking Bitcoin's dominant position in the market. Despite Ethereum's status as the second-most renowned blockchain, it has been unable to close the significant gap with Bitcoin, among other reasons, due to contentious initial coin distribution, a shift towards a proof-of-stake consensus model, and concerns over centralization and governance practices.
Bitnet distinguishes itself by adopting Bitcoin’s principles of equitable launch while seamlessly integrating Ethereum’s innovations in smart contracts, scalability, and interoperability, alongside its own unique technological enhancements. This strategic fusion aims to set a new standard in the blockchain space by providing a secure, decentralized financial system that combines the best aspects of its predecessors. While still in its nascent phase and its impact speculative, Bitnet is positioned as a potential contender capable of challenging Bitcoin's supremacy, indicating a significant paradigm shift in the blockchain landscape.

Bitnet [BTN] 는 자체 블록체인을 가진 암호화폐입니다.가장 실제 가격은 하나의 Bitnet [BTN] is $0.074099. Bitnet 는 1개 거래소에 상장되어 있으며, 그 중에 1개가 활발한 시장입니다. 24 시간 거래량 [BTN] 에 $150 112, 또한 Bitnet 시가 총액 $301 185 덕분에 모든 암호화폐 순위는 #1687 입니다. Bitnet [BTN]에 대해 자세히 보실 수 있는 페이지: bitnet.technology

BTN 시장

# 거래 페어 거래량 (24 시간) 가격 거래량 (%) 카테고리 수수료 유형 업데이트
1 $150 191.91$0.074152100.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Bitnet Basics

API IDCoinPaprika API logo btn-bitnet
백서Bitnet Whitepaper시작
오픈 소스Yes
출시 14 July 2023
about 1 year ago
웹 사이트
소스 코드
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)

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