Launched on 22.05.2015, is centralized exchange with P2P trading platform. Based in 17 Union Street, Suite 1, Dundee, DD1 4BG, Scotland, UK. Business legal name — Lergen Style LLP. exchange supports such cryptocurrencies as BITCOIN (BTC), LITECOIN (LTC), ETHEREUM (ETH), PRIZM (PZM). SIGEN P2P trading platform supports RUB, USD, UAH, EUR, KZT, CZK and such cryptocurrencies as BITCOIN (BTC), LITECOIN (LTC), ETHEREUM (ETH), PRIZM (PZM). is 3-in-1 trading platform, where you can: 1) Trade and store cryptocurrencies 2) Quickly swap cryptocurrencies using ... our automated exchange 3) Buy and sell cryptocurrencies on our P2P trading platform, using cards of different banks of the world and different payment services. SIGEN.proの報告された24時間のボリュームは$5 909.04で、推定実際のボリュームは$0です。これは3通貨を提供し、アルゴリズムに基づく0.00%信頼スコアを持つ a centralized exchange です。