ThreeFold Token TFT 価格:

$0.011332 (-1.38%)
ETH 0.00000308 (+3.19%)
BTC 0.00000011 (+1.55%)
$0.010878 24h Range $0.011518

ThreeFold Token (TFT) Metrics

マーケットキャップ ランク 941
$9,895,082.00 BTC 98.00
$0.588950 06 Oct 24 % to ATH (5,099.20%)
ボリューム(24h) ランク 4447
$8,707.61 BTC 0.086118
873,221,324 総計:918,943,812 最大: 4,000,000,000

ThreeFold Token 価格表ライブ


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About ThreeFold Token

What is ThreeFold (TFT)?

Founded in 2016, ThreeFold is a fully comprehensive peer-to-peer Internet and Cloud stack that enables universal access to a smart contract based infrastructure. ThreeFold allows any digital workload including blockchains, IoT networks, oracles, decentralized organizations and applications, to be hosted natively on their tamper-proof and ultra-efficient decentralised infrastructure.

TFT is a utility token that was designed to ensure anyone can participate in exchanging Internet and Cloud resources in the network without intermediaries. It incentivises node operators with monthly income and is used by developers to build and run workloads.

Learn more about ThreeFold on their [website](

What makes ThreeFold Unique?

ThreeFold is the first blockchain-enabled infrastructure to start from scratch on the Linux Kernel. Their state-of-the-art technology enables quantum security and up to 10x energy savings for storage workloads.

With solutions highlighted by a quantum-safe storage system, a next-generation docker container environment and a secure peer-to-peer network, what they created is the most comprehensive, secure and decentralized Internet and cloud infrastructure in the world.

Where can you buy ThreeFold Tokens?

The TFT token is available on several exchanges and Defi platforms today. The main platform to buy TFT today is PancakeSwap.

ThreeFold Token [TFT] は トークンベース Stellar, Binance Coin ブロックチェーン. 最も現実的な価格 ThreeFold Token [TFT] is $0.011332. ThreeFold Token 活性化された市場3と共に1取引所に上場しています。 24時間容量の [TFT] は $8 707.61, ながら ThreeFold Token マーケットキャップは $9 895 082 #941としてランク付けする 全ての仮想通貨 ThreeFold Token [TFT] にてより多くの情報を見つけられます

TFT マーケット

# 取引所 ペア ボリューム(24h) 価格 ボリューム(%) カテゴリー 手数料タイプ アップデート
1 $8 674.59$0.01133099.630000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $24.52$0.0112730.280000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $7.29$0.0112370.080000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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ThreeFold Token Basics

開発ステータス Working product
Org. 構造 Semi-centralized
コンセンサス・メカニズム Not mineable
アルゴリズム None
開始 1 February 2018
over 6 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (2)
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  • Big Data & Data Storage (151)
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