SCM token wants to provide several services to its token holders: Staking as a service, Investing as a Service and Change investing.
Investing as a Service will give the opportunity to SCM token holders to choose from different risk portfolios which will provide a return by longing and shorting cryptocurrencies, multichain farming and lending.
The plan for change investing is that we will round transactions off for you to the upside, eg 0.48 paid -> 0.5. The 0.02 will be pooled into an investment portfolio chosen by the $SCM holder.
Staking as a Service is already deployed and provides a 2.15% daily return in SCM tokens.
Scorpion Capital Management [SCM] は 独自ブロックチェーンを持たないトークン. 最も現実的な価格 Scorpion Capital Management [SCM] is $0. Scorpion Capital Management 活性化された市場0と共に0取引所に上場しています。 24時間容量の [SCM] は $0, ながら Scorpion Capital Management マーケットキャップは $0 'no rank'としてランク付けする 全ての仮想通貨 Scorpion Capital Management [SCM] にてより多くの情報を見つけられます
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(20 hours ago), 3 min read
(1 day ago), 2 min read
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開発ステータス | Working product |
Org. 構造 | Semi-centralized |
コンセンサス・メカニズム | Not mineable |
アルゴリズム | None |
ハードウェア・ウォレット | Yes |
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