Nodes Reward Coin NRC 価格:

$0.007882 (-0.07%)
ETH 0.00000233 (-1.29%)
BTC 0.00000008 (-0.62%)
$0.006993 24h Range $0.008051

Nodes Reward Coin (NRC) Metrics

マーケットキャップ ランク 8637
no data
$2.50 29 Nov 23 % to ATH (31,648.74%)
ボリューム(24h) ランク 8132
$52.90 BTC 0.000556
no data 最大: 14,000,000

Nodes Reward Coin 価格表ライブ


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High: Low:
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For more data check CoinPaprika API

About Nodes Reward Coin

Nodes Reward Coin, affectionately known as NRC, isn't just another star in the cryptocurrency constellation. It's a trailblazer that capitalizes on the prowess of these nodes to enable seamless transactions, enhance the art of consensus, and reward the champions of the network

Our mission is to be the epicentrum for Masternode & Smartnode.
We have a strong affinity for cryptocurrencies that are true 'coins' with their own blockchain and native value, as opposed to 'tokens' that are built on other platforms.
e are a creative agency with a passion for masternodes
NRC and Platform relation
Nodes Reward Coin (NRC) is the blood that flood the vains of Node Rewards Platform. It's used in everything for payment accross the platform.

NRC as a future financial security
Gain financial benefits from NRC masternode reward. We provide usecase and liquidity for NRC to be a future investment.

NRC as a peer to peer currency
Our dedication guarantees the preservation of NRC's intrinsic value, establishing it as a reliable internet payment currency.

300,000 NRC

Nodes Reward Coin [NRC] は 独自のブロックチェーンを持つ暗号通貨.最も現実的な価格 Nodes Reward Coin [NRC] is $0.007882. Nodes Reward Coin 活性化された市場1と共に1取引所に上場しています。 24時間容量の [NRC] は $52.90, ながら Nodes Reward Coin マーケットキャップは $0 #8637としてランク付けする 全ての仮想通貨 Nodes Reward Coin [NRC] にてより多くの情報を見つけられます

NRC マーケット

# 取引所 ペア ボリューム(24h) 価格 ボリューム(%) カテゴリー 手数料タイプ アップデート
1 $52.90$0.007882100.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Nodes Reward Coin Basics

開発ステータス On-going development
コンセンサス・メカニズム Proof of Stake
アルゴリズム Ipvx
開始 16 November 2023
about 1 year ago
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1176)
  • Proof Of Stake (911)
  • Premine (540)



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