DAPP (DAPP) Metrics

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$10.05 28 Jun 20
no data 最大: 200,000,000

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About DAPP

DAP is composed of "Digital" and "Access Pass", which means a pass for digital technology and financial channels. DAP is a decentralized public digital asset chain and is completely open source. It is the fastest, most efficient and most innovative way to digitize global assets. DAP is developing a smart contract platform designed to provide more advanced features than any public chain developed in the past. In a few years, we believe that the application of the blockchain and the emergence of the "Millennium" consumer market will require a comprehensive digital strategic transformation of the business model of traditional companies, so that more companies will have a place in future capital market competition . DAP will help traditional businesses customize better digital solutions, injecting new vitality into them. DAPP is a decentralized public digital asset chain that was not used before the official launch of the token for ecological construction and development.

DAPP [DAPP] は 独自ブロックチェーンを持たないトークン. 最も現実的な価格 DAPP [DAPP] is $0. DAPP 活性化された市場0と共に0取引所に上場しています。 24時間容量の [DAPP] は $0, ながら DAPP マーケットキャップは $0 'no rank'としてランク付けする 全ての仮想通貨 DAPP [DAPP] にてより多くの情報を見つけられます dacpass.com

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DAPP Basics

백서DAPP Whitepaper開く
開発ステータス Demo only
Org. 構造 Centralized
コンセンサス・メカニズム Proof of Burn
アルゴリズム PoB
開始 2 April 2020
over 4 years ago
Asset typeToken



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