
HotDex is the of top-tier crypto exchange. It is a fast, secure and easy to use the platform as your favorite exchange so that you don’t have to miss out on any trading opportunities. It provides access to established crypto-currencies while also allowing you to discover and trade up-and-coming tokens and altcoins in a variety of different trading pairs. Hotdex is built on the BitShare platform. So the dex provides a high-performance decentralized exchange, with all the features you would expect in a trading platform. It ...

Variazione Volume
Volume totale $0
Volume ERV
Regolato No
Tipo Exchange decentralizzato
Sito web
Stato sito webUltimo controllo 2 minutes ago
Stato APIUltimo controllo 2 minutes ago
Protezione di sicurezza
ddos shield

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per Volume per Liquidità
Nessuna voce corrispondente ai criteri di ricerca
* Prezzo / Volume Escluso - Anomalia rilevata
*** Volume escluso - dati non aggiornati dalla API dell'exchange