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Shitcoin (TON)

Shitcoin (TON)
SHITClassifica 3221

$0.023972   (+3.72%)
0.00000039 BTC (+5.26%)
0.00000708 ETH (+5.81%)
1h +0.61 %
24h +3.72%
Settimana -9.66%
Mese -46.64%
Anno +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Shitcoin trading has already become a meme. Why shitcoins so attractive? Constant threats of ragpools, huge volatility, teams constantly disappearing into oblivion. Despite all this problems traders monitor screeners in hope. They want the Chosen One. Lowcap give them hope for a wife-change money in case the coin will make it.

“The one” is already here. We made one shitcoin to rule them all. If you want to buy a shitcoin you no longer have to choose which one. Shitcoin is ...

Discussione t.me
Social (followers): x.com
Asset Type token
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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 3221
Record di prezzo
$0.054448 23 May 24 % to ATH (127.13%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 4036
? Max: 100 000 000
$14 351.20 0.236445 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
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