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NEVAClassifica 1414

$1.000920   (-0.01%)
0.000016 BTC (-1.32%)
0.000302 ETH (-5.5%)
1h -0.02 %
24h -0.01%
Settimana -8.12%
Mese +0.08%
Anno +16851.9%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


The first decentralized cryptocurrency ever to be created as a gift for someone's birthday. At 1457344680 unix time is my girlfriend's 25th birthday (her name is Neva if that isn't obvious) and since she is abroad at the moment I figured this is the best gift I can give her remotely. Who wouldn't want a global decentralized peer to peer network cryptocurrency platform named after them as a birthday gift, right?

NevaCoin [NEVA] è un Cryptomonete con la propria blockchain.Il prezzo ...

Codice fonte: Source code
Social (followers): Facebook
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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 1414
Record di prezzo
$5 436 624 85.00 BTC
$239.96 11 Feb 22 % to ATH (23 874.27%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 1658
5 431 630 Totale: 5 431 630
$247 143 3.86 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
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  • Exchange / Mercati 5
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