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MPRO Classifica 6734 Classifica 6734

$0.107305 (+0.12%)
$0.107305 (+0.12%)
0.000032 ETH (-0.04%)
0.00000174 BTC (-0.87%)
$0.106360 24h Range $0.108212

MPRO Metrics

Capitalizzazione di mercato
Record di prezzo
$0.172057 27 Jun 24 % to ATH (60.31%)
Volume (24h) Classifica 5949
$901.98 0.014641 BTC
Quantità Circolante
? Max: 500 000 000

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About MPRO Lab

MPRO Lab is committed to advancing the infrastructure of web3 gaming and eSports markets. Through scalable architecture and strategic team building, MPRO Lab drives the creation of groundbreaking solutions within the Metapro ecosystem.

We are proud to have spearheaded the development of transformative products and initiatives, including:

Metapro Wallet: A secure and user-friendly wallet designed to seamlessly interact with web3 applications and decentralized games, providing users with easy access to their digital assets. Web3 Game Arena: Hosting the largest web3 gaming event in Central Europe, the Web3 Game Arena brings together developers, gamers, and enthusiasts to celebrate the future of gaming on the blockchain. Assetto Corsa Web3 Manager: The first application built on top of a leading professional simracing simulator, enabling mod distribution through Metapro's NFT meta asset. Degen Youki: A groundbreaking game fully integrated with Metapro infrastructure, available across multiple platforms including mobile devices and desktop computers via the Metapro Games Launcher.

As part of our ecosystem, MPRO Lab plays a pivotal role in the development and implementation of decentralized storage solutions for games and assets. Our network of indexNODEs ensures secure and efficient storage, empowering developers and gamers alike.

At the heart of the Metapro ecosystem lies the NFT Meta Asset, a key component for tokenizing in-game assets and facilitating ownership on the blockchain. This innovative asset empowers developers to create unique and tradable items within their games, fostering a thriving economy of digital collectibles and experiences.

MPRO Lab [MPRO] è un Token senza una propria blockchain. Il prezzo più attuale per uno MPRO Lab [MPRO] is $0.107305. MPRO Lab E' quotato su 1 exchange con una somma di 1 mercati attivi. Volume 24h di [MPRO] è $901.98, Mentre il MPRO Lab La capitalizzazione di mercato è $0 Il che lo classifica come #6734 di tutte le cryptomonete. Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni riguardo MPRO Lab [MPRO] su mprolab.io

MPRO Mercati

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MPRO Lab Basics

Stato di sviluppo Working product
Struttura Org. Semi-centralized
Meccanismo di consenso Not mineable
Algoritmo None
Portafoglio hardware Yes
iniziato 16 April 2024
2 months ago
Sito web
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (2)

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