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Merge is the collaborative result of multi-functional teams and individuals who focus on providing Software as a Service (SaaS) powered by the Blockchain. With the support of the MERGE Cryptocurrency, and based on its Tokenomics model, where both users and developers benefit from each other, Merge provides a wide range of solutions for crypto and non-crypto oriented users, teams, and companies.

One one side, Merge acts as a trusted third party that pays for the services users use with their investments. ...

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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 9128
Record di prezzo
$0.109661 05 Oct 21 % to ATH (8 270.65%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 8671
? Totale: 86 611 234Max: 100 000 000
$24.70 0.000392 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
  • Panoramica
  • Exchange / Mercati 3
  • Portafoglio
  • Liquidità
  • Widget
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