Fognet FOGNET prezzo:

$0.071021 (-0.02%)
ETH 0.000022 (-5.14%)
BTC 0.00000067 (-3.35%)
$0 069532 24h Range $0.071829

Fognet (FOGNET) Metrics

Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 7172
no data
Record di prezzo
$7.38 05 Jul 23 % to ATH (10,296.09%)
Volume (24h) Classifica 3310
$52,212.23 BTC 0.494034
Quantità Circolante
no data Max: 10,000,000,000

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About Fognet

FOGNET is a project to build a blockchain-based platform that uses NFT and utility tokens to create an ecosystem that can participate in real estate development and sale, and to form a token economy through it. In order to discover NFT content that can be commercialized and create a healthy NFT trading ecosystem based on real assets, the company plans to expand its service and business areas through the advanced and stabilization stages of FOGNET platforms.

The FOGNET platform is an Ethereum blockchain network-based real estate NFT content platform that can be traded by issuing NFT the right to implement and sell real estate development projects. It can also be said to be a new concept of real estate development finance through NFT (Project Financing, a method of financing real estate development project business and future cash flow as collateral). By utilizing NFT, anyone can participate in development projects, lowering barriers to real estate investment, and making real estate development projects where illegal and illegal activities are rampant transparent and fair.

Fognet [FOGNET] è un token basato su Ethereum blockchain. Il prezzo più attuale per uno Fognet [FOGNET] is $0.071021. Fognet E' quotato su 1 exchange con una somma di 1 mercati attivi. Volume 24h di [FOGNET] è $52 212.23, Mentre il Fognet La capitalizzazione di mercato è $0 Il che lo classifica come #7172 di tutte le cryptomonete. Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni riguardo Fognet [FOGNET] su

FOGNET Mercati

# Exchange Paio Volume (24h) Prezzo Volume (%) Categoria Tipologia commissione Aggiornato
1 $52 212.23$0.071021100.000000%SpotPercentage3 minutes ago
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Fognet Basics

WhitepaperFognet WhitepaperAperto
Stato di sviluppo Working product
Struttura Org. Centralized
Meccanismo di consenso Not mineable
Algoritmo None
Portafoglio hardware Yes
Sito web
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11818)

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