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Blocknet is a 2nd layer blockchain interoperability protocol that enables communication, interaction, and exchange between different blockchains. This allows for the development of multi-chain applications and blockchain microservices, creating exponentially more capabilities and possibilities for the blockchain ecosystem. Just as the internet enabled computers to communicate, the Blocknet Protocol is critical for blockchains to realize full potential.

Blocknet's a self-funded and self-governed open source project with contributors around the world building an open and collaborative ecosystem.

Blocknet [BLOCK] è un Cryptomonete con ...

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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 7752
Record di prezzo
$57.24 06 Jan 18 % to ATH (124 627.65%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 7035
? Totale: 10 624 565
$239.50 0.003808 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
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