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Bitpanda Ecosystem Token

Bitpanda Ecosystem Token
BESTClassifica 8212

$0.523870   (+0.61%)
0.00000829 BTC (+1.15%)
0.000166 ETH (-0.69%)
1h -0.06 %
24h +0.61%
Settimana +11.5%
Mese -3.01%
Anno +16.13%

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BEST is the Bitpanda Ecosystem Token and offers the growing community of millions of Bitpanda users a wide range of rewards and benefits within the Bitpanda ecosystem. BEST is Bitpanda’s loyalty programme and generally speaking, the more BEST users hold, the more rewards they may be entitled to receive.

BEST - The Bitpanda Ecosystem Token was issued by Bitpanda in August 2019 through Europe’s most successful Initial Exchange Offering (IEO). More than €43 million was invested into BEST at the IEO.

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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 8212
Record di prezzo
$12.23 18 Jan 24 % to ATH (2 234.93%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 7571
? Totale: 765 306 712
$109.08 0.001726 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
  • Panoramica
  • Exchange / Mercati 3
  • Portafoglio
  • Liquidità
  • Widget
  • Più...

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