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Ankr Staked BNB

Ankr Staked BNB
ANKRBNBClassifica 5542

$639.73   (+1.89%)
0.010055 BTC (+1.02%)
0.195672 ETH (-2.56%)
1h +0.39 %
24h +1.89%
Settimana +11.25%
Mese -3.41%
Anno +87.43%

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Instant Liquidity Using Ankr Staking is the best way to stake BNB as you can access instant liquidity in the form of the ankrBNB token. Avoiding locking your tokens up with the BNB Chain network is a big advantage — it allows you to use the value of your staked tokens to earn multiple layers of rewards on DeFi platforms and multiply your ROI potential. Yield farming, arbitrage trading, lending, and more will all be possible using the value of ...

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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 5542
Record di prezzo
$689.70 16 Mar 24 % to ATH (7.81%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 1548
? Totale: 2 226 486
$291 694 4.58 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
  • Panoramica
  • Exchange / Mercati 4
  • Portafoglio
  • Liquidità
  • Widget
  • Più...

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