वापस OST टीम

Nishith Shah

सामान्य जानकारी

Nishith Shah
https://twitter.com/nishithshah/ 740 followers
@nishithz/ 280 followers


After a year of traveling around the world, Nishith Shah has immersed himself into crypto-economics and blockchain technology. Nishith previously founded several consumer internet companies including Hem.com, Fab.com, Fabulis, Social Median, True Sparrow and Montred. Nishith is based in Pune, India.

प्रोजेक्ट शामिल हैं

परियोजना का नाममार्केटकैप रैंकबाज़ार आकारस्थानपरियोजना टैग
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