वापस Nexo टीम

Kosta Kantchev

सामान्य जानकारी

Kosta Kantchev


Kosta is a Co-Founder of Credissimo and the visionary directly responsible for the 10-year-old success story of the whole European FinTech Group. An early adopter of bitcoin, he quickly realized the potential of blockchain technology, prompting him to develop at Credissimo one of the first systems to allow loan repayments in cryptocurrencies worldwide.

प्रोजेक्ट शामिल हैं

परियोजना का नाममार्केटकैप रैंकबाज़ार आकारस्थानपरियोजना टैग
NexoNexoNEXO#112870,998,762 USDCo-Founder