वापस LBRY Credits टीम

James Biller

सामान्य जानकारी

@billerjames 221 followers
jamesbiller 4 followers


James came to LBRY through Praxis, a company that offers apprenticeships to young entreprenrial types. Originally brought on to help with recruiting YouTubers, James showed up to the office with a 3D printed LBRYopoly board and since then has started to promote the LBRY protocol use case for 3D printing.

प्रोजेक्ट शामिल हैं

परियोजना का नाममार्केटकैप रैंकबाज़ार आकारस्थानपरियोजना टैग
LBRY CreditsLBRY CreditsLBC#42410 USDDigital Marketing Intern