वापस Pillar टीम

Christopher Skulte

सामान्य जानकारी

Christopher Skulte


A Chartered Accountant with significant accounting, leadership, operations, and commercial experience.

With a core skill-set developed at Big-4 professional services firm Deloitte, I have worked for seed round start-up's to large listed organisations.

Industries I am familiar with (in order of expertise): Technology (EdTech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies), Marketing, Wholesale, Manufacturing, and Banking.

Positive, creative, passionate and determined. Let's change the world!

प्रोजेक्ट शामिल हैं

परियोजना का नाममार्केटकैप रैंकबाज़ार आकारस्थानपरियोजना टैग
PillarPillarPLR#13831,063,962 USDCFO