The people behind Hotbit outlines on their website that they believe in the core values of blockchain technology and Bitcoin. They feel that these principles, along with those of smart contracts and a distributed ledger, change the way that people trust each other. The team also feels that via blockchain technology, there will be an increased transactional efficiency, fewer barriers in place to stop transactions, and eventually, a large impact on the global economy. Hotbit में $0 के अनुमानित वास्तविक आयतन के साथ $0 की ... 24h मात्रा बताई गई है। यह एक a centralized exchange है जो 0 मुद्राओं की पेशकश करती है और हमारी एल्गोरिथ्म के आधार पर 0.00% कॉन्फिडेंस स्कोर है।