Waya Wolf Coin WW कीमत:

$0.005830 (+49.38%)
ETH 0.00000172 (+50.47%)
BTC 0.00000006 (+49.95%)
$0.003861 24h Range $0.005837

Waya Wolf Coin (WW) Metrics

बाज़ार आकार पद 9468
no data
सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
$4.58 15 Aug 21 % to ATH (78,410.90%)
मात्रा (24h) पद 9237
$7.45 BTC 0.000077
परिसंचारी आपूर्ति
no data

Waya Wolf Coin मूल्य चार्ट लाइव

मूल्य चार्ट

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About Waya Wolf Coin

WayaWolf (WW) Coin had a fair release with no premine and is pure proof of work (POW) with an approximate total of coins of 10,500,000 approximately 1,000,000 coins have been burned. The reason for the small number of coins and the fair launch was to make WW accessible to all by mining and these factors make WW a great coin for payment services.There are two major uses of WW, which is the Waya Wolf Discord Shopping Mall, which contains stores, services, and various classified ads, and the Waya Wolf Academy. The Waya Wolf Coin being used for these services and the mall are the beginning of a comprehensive payment system.

Waya Wolf Coin [WW] एक है क्रिप्टोकरेंसी अपने स्वयं के ब्लॉकचेन के साथ.एक के लिए सबसे अधिक वास्तविक कीमत Waya Wolf Coin [WW] is $0.005830. Waya Wolf Coin सक्रिय बाजारों के 2 योग के साथ 1 एक्सचेंजों पर सूचीबद्ध है। 24 घंटे की मात्रा [WW] है $7.45, जबकि Waya Wolf Coin बाज़ार आकार है $0 जो इसे #9468 के रूप में रैंक करता है सभी क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का। आप Waya Wolf Coin [WW] के बारे में और जानकारी पा सकते हैं wayawolfgroup.online

WW बाजार

# विनिमय जोड़ा मात्रा (24h) कीमत मात्रा (%) वर्ग शुल्क प्रकार अपडेट किया गया
1 $7.45$0.005830100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $0.00000000$0.0051610.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Waya Wolf Coin Basics

विकास की स्थिति Working product
संगठन। संरचना Centralized
खुला स्त्रोतYes
आम सहमति तंत्र Proof of Work
कलन विधि Scrypt
शुरू कर दिया है 21 October 2016
over 8 years ago
स्रोत कोड
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Proof Of Work (1001)
  • Scrypt (242)

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