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ViteX coin

ViteX coin
VXपद 6769

$0.014643   (-34.11%)
0.00000024 BTC (-34.64%)
0.00000432 ETH (-33.87%)
1 घंटे +5.65 %
24h -34.11%
सप्ताह -2.28%
महीना -31.74%
साल -66.58%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


ViteX is a high-performance OpenFinance platform built on the Vite blockchain with smart-contract. It enables multilateral transactions and equity distribution among tokens and realizes the functions of the decentralized trading platform without asset custody and fund freezing.

The platform adopts both the matching engine and economic model in the built-in contract, satisfying both design simplicity and system robustness. It could provide a zero-risk token exchange model, and allows anyone to arbitrarily list any project tokens in the 4 base markets.

As a ...

वेबसाइट: vitex.net
स्रोत कोड: github.com
विचार-विमर्श t.me
सामाजिक @ViteXExchange
Asset Type token
Contract Address
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