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Selenium Token

Selenium Token
SELENपद 9990

$0.000040   (-3.61%)
0.00000000 BTC (+0.12%)
0.00000001 ETH (+1.6%)
1 घंटे +0.25 %
24h -3.61%
सप्ताह -5.82%
महीना -16.06%
साल +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Selenium Swap is a whole new Decentralized Exchange on Binance smart chain as known as 2nd Generation yield farming mechanism that allows perpetual price increase with a sustainable and profitable farming yield with a Timelock contract at launch!
We hope to create a Selenium Token (SELEN) for everyone to farm from it !! Our final goals are transition to full AMM, creating a NFT Market via using $SELEN to exchange and Play & Win area.

Selenium Token [SELEN] एक है के आधार ...

वेबसाइट: seleniumswap.com
विचार-विमर्श t.me
Asset Type token
Contract Address
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