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Dyslexic Autistic Cat

Dyslexic Autistic Cat
DCATपद 0

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In Kittyville, a Dyslexic Autistic Cat, couldn't read or write.

Living in his own world, he believed he was the smartest. This cat spelled "Fish" as "Hsif" , all the cats chuckled, but played along.

Kittyville embraced dyslexic autistic cat's silly charm, celebrating the town's lovable, albeit not-so-bright. This is because all the cats are down-syndrome. That's stupid !

Dyslexic Autistic Cat [DCAT] एक है के आधार पर टोकन Solana ब्लॉकचेन. एक के लिए सबसे अधिक वास्तविक कीमत Dyslexic Autistic Cat [DCAT] is ...

वेबसाइट: dcat.fun
विचार-विमर्श t.me
सामाजिक @DcatSol
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