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Bitcoin Purple

Bitcoin Purple
BTCPपद 0

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


A global freedom for all, fully decentralized currency, created to be a means of free transactions and without central command. Bitcoin Purple is a SHA-256 coin, created and designed similarly to Bitcoin (BTC) but with faster transactions.

Use your Bitcoin Purple as a store of value, as a means of exchange, payments and so you can buy, store or receive freely.

In a decentralized way, you can be part of Purple's, create integrations, applications, websites, make donations, mine, buy and sell, save. ...

वेबसाइट: bitcoinpurple.org
विचार-विमर्श discord.gg
सामाजिक reddit.com , @BTCPurples
Asset Type coin
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    हम Wyre विजेट नहीं खोल सके। कृपया बाद में पुनः प्रयास करें या कोई अन्य प्रदाता चुनें