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BCDTपद 1305

$0.046189   (-12.59%)
0.00000076 BTC (-9.97%)
0.000014 ETH (-10.25%)
1 घंटे -0.2 %
24h -12.59%
सप्ताह +8.76%
महीना -13.45%
साल -19.4%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


EvidenZ (BCDT) is the token linked to the EvidenZ framework, used by the company BCdiploma to allow hundreds of institutions to issue diplomas in a digital, decentralized and secure way. The BCDT is required to issue each certificate on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a utility token: for each certification, part of the BCDT used is burned by the smart contract of the EvidenZ ecosystem, reducing its total quantity. 40M BCDTs were issued during an ICO in January 2018: no ...

वेबसाइट: evidenz.io
स्रोत कोड: gitlab.com
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सामाजिक medium.com , Twitter
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