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Proof of Stake Coin

Proof of Stake Coin
PoSपद 10602

$0.000000   (+159.1%)
0.00000000 BTC (+169.83%)
0.00000000 ETH (+175.57%)
1 घंटे -0.6 %
24h +159.1%
सप्ताह +153.31%
महीना +250.37%
साल +152.17%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


PoS coin will be the first true staking coin where you can stake your coins while you'll get a high interest rate. We choose for a proof of stake of 800% per year. In this first year of PoS coin we want to build and create a review community and website where we, and others, will post about high PoS coins. On this platform we'll only allow transparent reviewers who have the same interest as everyone else who wants to ...

स्रोत कोड:
विचार-विमर्श Bitcointalk , Discord
सामाजिक @scoin800
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बाज़ार आकार पद 10602
सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
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परिसंचारी आपूर्ति
मात्रा (24h) पद 10415
$1.74 0.000029 BTC
मात्रा / एम कैप (24 ह)
  • अवलोकन
  • आदान-प्रदान / बाजार 1
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