Our goal is to give real value to cryptocurrencies, using them in one of the many possible legitimate ways, and among these the best is to share resources with those who are unlucky, so the main purpose of this coin is to send money and aid . Your role? Buy it, trade it, hold it, and run a masternode so you can earn and help us to develop the project. What will we do? Very simple we will send at least 30% of the coins created by blockchain in donations, we reserve 20% for future developments ,team and advertising (this is possible with our part of masternodes running). We have two big projects for needycoin, the first is to create a platform to exchange from cryptocurrencies to fiat, the second is to create the needycard to send to charitable associations, which will manage the money loaded onto it in a responsible and visible way, nothing waste!
Premine: 0.5%
Needycoin [NED] एक है क्रिप्टोकरेंसी अपने स्वयं के ब्लॉकचेन के साथ.एक के लिए सबसे अधिक वास्तविक कीमत Needycoin [NED] is $0. Needycoin सक्रिय बाजारों के 0 योग के साथ 0 एक्सचेंजों पर सूचीबद्ध है। 24 घंटे की मात्रा [NED] है $0, जबकि Needycoin बाज़ार आकार है $0 जो इसे 'no rank' के रूप में रैंक करता है सभी क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का। आप Needycoin [NED] के बारे में और जानकारी पा सकते हैं needycoin.org
no data
सफ़ेद कागज | खुला हुआ |
विकास की स्थिति | Working product |
संगठन। संरचना | Semi-centralized |
खुला स्त्रोत | Yes |
आम सहमति तंत्र | Proof of Stake |
कलन विधि | Quark |
शुरू कर दिया है |
15 October 2019
over 5 years ago |
वेबसाइट | needycoin.org |
स्रोत कोड | github.com |
Asset type | Coin |
Explorers (1) | needyexplorer.icu |
टैग |