LCX Exchange

LCX Exchange

Les détails

LCX Exchange is a regulated, compliant and secure trading platform for a variety of digital assets. LCX, the Liechtenstein Cryptoassets Exchange, was founded in 2018 with headquarters in Vaduz (Liechtenstein) and offices in Crypto-Valley Zug (Switzerland) and New Delhi (India). LCX has obtained 8 crypto-related registrations by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein, operates in accordance with the new blockchain laws and has introduced a comprehensive crypto compliance suite. LCX AG, the legal entity behind, has a registered share capital of 1 Million CHF. The LCX Token ...

Changement de volume
Volume total 0 €
Volume ERV
de fraisLink
Réglementé No
Type Échange centralisé
Site Web
Website statusDernière vérification 3 minutes ago
API StatusDernière vérification 3 minutes ago
Protection de la sécurité
ddos shield
Emplacement du siègeLiechtenstein

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Les marchés

Par volume Par liquidité
Aucun élément ne correspond à ces critères de recherche
* Prix ​​/ volume exclu - Valeur aberrante détectée
*** Volume exclu - en données fraîches de l'API Exchange