Les détails

HTX is a Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange. Established in China in 2013. HTX Group has been financed by ZhenFund and Sequoia Capital. Its accumulative turnover has exceeded 1.2 trillion USD. It has established compliance service teams in Singapore, Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Brazil and Hong Kong to deliver its secure and credible digital asset trading and asset management services to millions of users in over 130 countries. Exchange assets (transparency): $3 236 570 293 - according to nansen.ai, $3 109 865 488 - according ...

Changement de volume
Volume total 2 666 740 841 €
28 480,73 BTC
Volume ERV 554 271 417 €
Réglementé No
Type Échange centralisé
Site Web
Website statusDernière vérification 7 minutes ago
API StatusDernière vérification 7 minutes ago
Protection de la sécurité
ddos shield
Emplacement du siègeSingapore

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Les marchés

Par volume Par liquidité
Aucun élément ne correspond à ces critères de recherche
* Prix ​​/ volume exclu - Valeur aberrante détectée
*** Volume exclu - en données fraîches de l'API Exchange