B4U Wallet

B4U Wallet

Les détails

With a B4U Currency wallet, you can hold Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash Coin, Ethereum, Lite Coin, ZCash, Ripple, RSCoin, Malaysian Ringgit, Singapore Dollar, US Dollar, and Euro all in one place. our goal is always the same providing the top-notch solution in cryptocurrency exchange. Our services facilitate users by giving them a chance of using a secure wallet and easy of exchanging currencies.B4U wallet is basically equivalent to a bank account. B4U wallet makes it possible for you to receive a store or spend directly ...

Changement de volume
Volume total 0 €
Volume ERV
Réglementé No
Type Échange centralisé
Site Web
Website statusDernière vérification 7 minutes ago
API StatusDernière vérification 7 minutes ago
Protection de la sécurité
Emplacement du siègeMalaysia

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* Prix ​​/ volume exclu - Valeur aberrante détectée
*** Volume exclu - en données fraîches de l'API Exchange