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Wrapped Beacon ETH

Wrapped Beacon ETH
WBETHLe Rang 233

3 176,05 €   (+4.09%)
0.053486 BTC (+4.95%)
1.036821 ETH (+0.06%)
1h +3.49 %
24 h +4.09%
Semaine +4.34%
Mois -6.49%
Année +%

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Porte monnaie

WBETH is a liquid staking token, where 1 WBETH represents 1 ETH and the total staking rewards accrued by the ETH token on ETH Staking.

WBETH will allow users to obtain immediate liquidity and participate in DeFi projects, while ensuring their eligibility to receive the corresponding ETH Staking rewards accrued.

On-chain users can stake their ETH to obtain WBETH by interacting with the official smart contract provided by Binance. Binance users can wrap their BETH tokens to WBETH, and unwrap their WBETH ...

Asset Type token
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Capitalisation boursière Le Rang 233
Tous les temps haut
227 344 972 € 3 829.00 BTC
3 944,97 € 12 Mar 24 % to ATH (24.21%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h) Le Rang 532
71 581 Total: 71 581
3 223 172 € 54,28 BTC
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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