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STARTLe Rang 2603

0,000113 €   (+%)
0.00000000 BTC (+%)
0.00000004 ETH (+%)
1h -0.05 %
24 h +%
Semaine +%
Mois -6.64%
Année +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Porte monnaie

StartCOIN is a digital currency that rewards you for supporting change. The more you share and support projects, the more StartCOINs you will receive. By joining the StartJOIN community, you become part of this crowd funding revolution. We aim to be the first stable digital currency created to promote and support crowdfunding. StartCOIN is a reward based coin which rewards users for pledging and sharing. It encourages change for good. Register on StartJOIN to be part of a crowdfunding community ...

Site Web : startcoin.org
Source code: Source code
Discussion: bitcointalk.org
Social (followers): Facebook
Asset Type coin
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Capitalisation boursière Le Rang 2603
Tous les temps haut
0,486035 € 09 Jan 18 % to ATH (430 891.95%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h) Le Rang 10405
45 079 785 Total: 70 782 220
0,976987 € 0,000018 BTC
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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