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0,162328 €   (-29.82%)
0.00000309 BTC (-29.28%)
0.000059 ETH (-28.62%)
1h +0.01 %
24 h -29.82%
Semaine -26.8%
Mois -17.27%
Année -37.83%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Porte monnaie

Qortal is much more than just another coin coming. Qortal is an INFRASTRUCTURE with a focus on true decentralization (P2P).
Qortal aims to provide truly decentralized blockchain features with a codebase written from scratch which will support a
scalable infrastructure for a variety of revolutionary new concepts including:
- Website, blog, social media, and encrypted communication hosting
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) trade portal/truly decentralized exchange (DEX)
- Local wallets that eliminate the need for a centralized service
- State-of-the-art security and greater efficiency with data storage/usage
- Infrastructure ...

Asset Type coin
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Capitalisation boursière Le Rang 2446
Tous les temps haut
987 174 € 19.00 BTC
1,25 € 12 Jun 23 % to ATH (671.13%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h) Le Rang 8036
6 081 367 Total: 6 081 371
40,19 € 0,000765 BTC
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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