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Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Porte monnaie

Data is stored in the blockchain forever and can be retrieved using a transaction hash as an identifier.
Datacoin is a blockchain platform that can be used by applications such as torrent trackers, encrypted messaging services,
and can be used to store other kinds of small data - all censorship-free.
Developers can store torrent files, certificates, computer programs, HTML pages and other kinds of meta-information in the Datacoin blockchain.

Datacoin [DTC] est un crypto-monnaie avec sa propre blockchain.Le prix le plus réel ...

Asset Type coin
Capitalisation boursière
Tous les temps haut
0,026607 € 10 Mar 18 % to ATH (6 398.98%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h)
39 712 849 Total: 39 712 849
0 €
Vol / M boursière (24h)
  • Vue d'ensemble
  • Échanges / Les marchés 0
  • Portefeuille
  • La liquidité
  • Progrès du code
  • Plus...

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