Qortal QORT preço:

$0.116579 (-37.49%)
ETH 0.000035 (-33.78%)
BTC 0.00000121 (-35.87%)
0,107196 € 24h Range 0,179021 €

Qortal (QORT) Metrics

Valor de mercado Classificação 2119
$708,960.00 BTC 7.00
Todo o tempo alto
1,30 € 12 Jun 23 % to ATH (1,063.99%)
Volume (24h) Classificação 8467
$34.07 BTC 0.000354
Fornecimento Circulante
6,081,367 Total:6,081,371

Qortal Gráfico de preços ao vivo

Tabela de Preços

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About Qortal

Qortal is much more than just another coin coming. Qortal is an INFRASTRUCTURE with a focus on true decentralization (P2P).
Qortal aims to provide truly decentralized blockchain features with a codebase written from scratch which will support a
scalable infrastructure for a variety of revolutionary new concepts including:
- Website, blog, social media, and encrypted communication hosting
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) trade portal/truly decentralized exchange (DEX)
- Local wallets that eliminate the need for a centralized service
- State-of-the-art security and greater efficiency with data storage/usage
- Infrastructure for virtually any public or private application to be built securely
- A ‘minting’ distribution system to provide fair block rewards to everyone involved
- A voting system to make true decentralization possible and manageable
- A leveling system to credit user influence based on individual contribution
- A feature to create tokens for other projects which can be built on the chain
- Supporting hardware to provide router, node, wallet, and other blockchain solutions
- Mesh networking and satellite technology to provide decentralized service connections

Qortal [QORT] é um criptomoeda com sua própria blockchain.O preço mais atual por uma Qortal [QORT] is 0,111773 €. Qortal é listada nas 1 exchanges com a soma de 1 mercados ativos. O volume de 24h [QORT] é 32,67 €, enquanto o Qortal market cap é 679 732 € que o classifica como #2119 sobre todas as criptomoedas. Você pode encontrar mais informações sobre Qortal [QORT] em qortal.org

QORT Mercados

# Corretora Par Volume (24h) Preço Volume (%) Categoria Taxa Tipo Atualizada
1 $34.07$0.116579100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Qortal Basics

Estado de desenvolvimento Working product
Tipo de prova Time Proof
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)

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